A place of welcome and sanctuary for people seeking asylum
The Romero Centre was established in 2000 in response to the needs of people arriving in Australia seeking safety and human rights.
Inspired by the mission of Oscar Romero and a deep respect for the human sovereign soul, the Romero Centre aspire to support the most vulnerable people in our community.
- We recognise that community harmony, cohesion and respect are the true foundations for real safety
- We walk the path where human dignity is considered sacred and where love has no borders
- We aim to strengthen the fabric of our deeply cherished local community by supporting the men, women and families who have been subject to experiences of torture, war, violence, sexual violence, and oppression and who are struggling while seeking refuge in Australia.
The legacy of Oscar Romero
The Romero Centre is named after Archbishop Oscar Romero from El Salvador, a passionate human rights campaigner. His legacy of hope and courage continues to inspire all that we do.

“The ones who have a voice must speak for those who are voiceless.”
Archbishop Oscar Romero (1917-1980)
What we do

Practical Support
Can you imagine life without access to food and shelter? People seeking asylum are living in South East Queensland with limited or no access to income. Without money, meeting the basic needs of living becomes impossible.
We provide health and hygiene packages, food essentials and support with accommodation.
There’s a growing need for practical supplies for children, families and individuals seeking asylum in South East Queensland. You can help by making a donation today.

English and Skills
Overcoming the English language barrier is a major challenge faced by people seeking asylum. We provide free English classes, training and employment opportunities and connect children and parents with support for families. These classes are provided at no cost and are a great chance for people to learn English and also connect with the community.
We also provide access to interpreter services for meetings and case coordination, legal appointments and to assist with understanding legal and government correspondence.
The Romero Centre team also arranges for people seeking asylum to access training to boost self-confidence and provide real connection with the community.

Legal Connections
Did you know that simple errors caused by misunderstanding can cause applications to be delayed or rejected? The conditions around temporary visas (and the forms that need to be completed) are complicated.
Legal and process expertise is an expensive but vital service that helps make it easier for children, families and individuals seeking safety and protection from harm.
Our qualified team provides support and access to migration agents and referral pathways to lawyers.

Community Connections
People seeking asylum often are isolated and without connection or support. Our activities for children, families and individuals bring the community together.
They are a great opportunity for people to connect, encourage and share humanity across cultures. These regular events and activities provide people seeking asylum with opportunities to learn, laugh and connect with the Brisbane community.
We also have strong connections with other community support networks, government agencies and departments. This includes access to qualified emotional support counselling – often needed by people seeking asylum for recovery from experienced trauma.
Find out how to get support
Our Team
Our dedicated and highly qualified team provide support and expertise in the areas of cross-cultural practice, migration and legal advice, social inclusion, mental health, employment, housing and systemic advocacy.
Mengistu Hailu
Romero Centre Manager
Mira Muliajati-Lay
Head of Community and Corporate Relations
Azeb Ayalekebet
Administrative and Business Support Officer
Deepa Manuel
Case Coordinator
Misha Emingerova
Support Facilitator
Misha Emingerova
Support Facilitator