Gemma was pregnant, scared and homeless. Now she has hope
Like many people seeking asylum in Australia, Gemma was homeless and struggling to survive. She shared her journey with the team at the Romero Centre. This is her story.
Gemma fled from Sudan
Sudan is a war-ravaged country in north-eastern Africa (bordered by Egypt and Ethiopia). It is estimated that 1 in 5 people in South Sudan have been displaced. More than 2.3 million citizens have been forced to flee their homes. Just over 720,000 people have escaped to neighbouring countries in search of safety.
Imagine the stress and uncertainty
Gemma was 8 months pregnant with no money, no friends and no family. She was homeless and close to giving birth. Gemma needed urgent accommodation and someone she could trust for support. She came to us tired, in desperate need and scared for the safety of her unborn child.
Just in time!
One of our specialist case workers organised safe and welcoming accommodation that same day. She went into labour that night and welcomed her beautiful baby girl the very next day!
Our team was ready to help
Accommodation was arranged thanks to our connections with church parishes and individuals in the community. We helped provide Gemma with safety and welcome when she needed it most. Because people (like you) in the community chose to make a donation in support of asylum seekers.
Like many asylum seekers, Gemma had little income. Because of donations from the community, we could arrange for Gemma and her baby to receive health and hygiene care packages with nappies, vitamins, healthy food and Go Cards for public transport to medical appointments.
Secure in the knowledge that she had somewhere safe to live, Gemma was able to stay at a parish for three months, get post-natal care from community health nurses and learn to be a new mum in a safe environment. Gemma and her baby are now living safely in the community.