
The Romero Centre would like to acknowledge the far-reaching community support that has been shown to the centre recently. Special Christmas hampers were delivered to the centre to support families during the festive season and Brisbane’s Colombian community are delivering children’s presents to Romero Centre next week. A local builder who has been supporting Romero Centre was busy last week renovating a unit that was donated rent-free to Romero Centre to support refugees and people seeking asylum. For no charge, the builder and his team painted inside the unit, transported furniture, changed the lighting around the unit to energy-efficient bulbs, checked the smoke alarms and did electrical work.

This is our way of saying welcome and of letting them know that we care.

Romero Centre was also delighted to accept a delivery of 38 backpacks filled with special essentials from the local Backpacks for Refugee Kids at Christmas initiative, which will be given to children supported through the centre. ‘Backpacks for Refugee Kids at Christmas’ is an initiative created by Brisbane mum Alison Reynolds, to support refugee children living in our community. Alison explained, “Through these Christmas backpacks, it is our goal to bring some joy into their lives and to give them some special things to call their own. While we recognise and respect that many of the recipient children and families may not celebrate Christmas, this is our way of saying welcome and of letting them know that we care.”

The drive far exceeded their original goal having collected 150 backpacks for asylum seeker and refugee children currently living in the Brisbane community.  As the response from the community was so incredible, the group were also able to support the great work of two other community groups as well as sending 62 boxes (over 300 kgs) of clothes, shoes, nutritious food and gifts to children held in detention on Nauru. More than 210 children will now enjoy a backpack or box of goodies picked just for them!

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